Sunday, December 3, 2006

Sin & Reverence

"And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God..." (Eph 4:30)

Today the consequences of my sin hit me in a new way. When we become a Christian, Christ enters our lives and lives in us (Col 1:27). Our body becomes the temple of the living God (2 Cor 6:16). He is with me, and His presence never leaves me (Ps 139:7-8, Deut 31:8). We have been melded together, joined as one.

So when I sin, He is there with me. And it grieves Him. When I make a disobedient choice, I am joining Him in the act. I am defaming His name, His holiness. I am striking at Him, hurting Him, causing Him to walk through darkness and sin with me.

Today my pastor spoke from 2 Corinthians. He gave the example that the Corinthians were still struggling with issues after they became Christians, one issue being having sex with temple prostitutes. Horror filled me as I understood that the Corinthian believers were bringing God into that vile act. His presence was there, and what pain He must have endured. And my sin is no different. My sin is just as vile.

We do not sin alone. We do not bear the consequences alone. It affects God, and it affects others. When I think of causing someone else so much pain because of my choices, I ask myself, "Why would I do that? Why would I ever mar the living God and wound Him so deeply? Why would I pierce His holiness and involve Him in something so revolting?"

Because I never think of my sin in that way. I have a very self-focused view of myself and my sin. It hurts me, sure. It creates consequences for me, and sometimes I'm willing to live with those consequences and proceed with my disobedience. But when I shift my focus to God and the pain I'm causeing Him to vastly changes my perspective. It makes me want to stop sinning and change. Never in my life would I drag someone I love through torture because of my choices. To see someone wounded, hurting, in shame through nothing that they have done, but purely because of what I have done...that hurts me more than any consequence I'd have to bear myself.

What love that God would walk with me, even in my disobedience. That He is willing to be pierced, wounded, and grieved again and again as I sin. That He bears my shame, my conseqences on Himself. That He takes the penalty and forgives me over and over, nailing my sin to the cross (Col 2:13-14).

"Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." (Col 7:1)

How different would my choices be if I made them out of reverence for God? I would definitely think twice before involving myself in sin.


Nicole said...

Hey April!!

How have you been?


Anonymous said...

Hey! I was just wondering if there was a good time for Nicole, Rita and I to come down and visit you over break. The only time that doesn't work out for us is the 28-30 because of 3DYC. Let me know what you think. My computer is acting up so if you just want to email me at then I will be able to check that. Hope you had a great Christmas!!!